Portrait Prints Snow Capped ϟ New Zealand PreviousWaiting for waves ϟ Bombo Beach NextSlow Shutter Sunrise ϟ Windang Snow Capped ϟ New Zealand Snow Capped ϟ New Zealand from A$225.00 Product description: Print only, Ilford Smooth Pearl Photo PaperThis shot was taken on a trip to Mount Cook on the South Island of New Zealand Size: Select Size A1 (59.4 X 84.1cm)B1 (70 X 100cm)A0 (84.1 X 118.9cm) A1 (59.4 X 84.1cm) B1 (70 X 100cm) A0 (84.1 X 118.9cm) Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest0